Public On-View:2014/07/25 (Friday) ~ 09/7 (Sun)
Opening Reception:8/2 (Saturday) at 14:30
Artist Talk:8/2 (Saturday) at 15:00 to share the tips & techniques for shooting
Venue:1839 Contemporary Gallery (Tel: 02-2778-8458)
Moment after moment
Night after day
Season after season
Year after year
Time passes by in a spiral between all the opposite entities of the universe
The opposite lights of night and ay are deposited
One after another on a single fixed file as traces of time
Taishi Hirokawa was born in 1950 in Kanagawa. Lives and works in Tokyo. Timescapes – infitite tune project, he makes two exposures on each film, one a daylight image of a rock-strewn landscape, the other a time exposure of the midnight stars swirling overhead. The result is a surreal image that combines two immense themes.
Fascinated and awe-stricken by the giant rocks sculpted on the earth’s surface by everlasting time photographer made his way to the desert. Hirokawa has captured these “memories of time” through the day and the moonless night. Melting away-beyond space and time and the boundary between life and death. To become a distance star or grain of sand.