a priori innerplants│Yoko MAZUKI 真月洋子Solo Exhibition
Public On-View:2016/6/24 (Fri) – 7/31 (Sun)
Opening Reception & Art Talk with Yoko:6/25 (Sat) 14:30
Venue:1839 Contemporary Gallery (Tel: 02-2778-8458)
B1, 120 Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan ROC
Free Admission
Japan female photographer Yoko Yoko MAZUKI photographs plant onto a woman’s skin, through the nude shape cross with variety plants to bring back many memories in her ancient house.
June 25th (Saturday) afternoon, meet artist Yoko MAZUKI at the Opening Reception, Art Talk and Book signing at 1839 Contemporary Gallery in Taipei, Taiwan. The exhibition showcases Yoko’s over 23 images from a priori series.
Free Art Talk by Yoko MAZUKI at 3pm on Saturday 25th of June. The talk’s audience will be limited to 60 people, and advance seat reservations are recommended.