I like the feeling of being on the street
Meet someone special
Some people show you where they live
I also go out for hunting my fondness of photography
Instead, these people make me feel very alive…..“Side Effects of the City” by CHANG, Yu
The often-heard term “side effects” is often used to describe adverse effects, but in fact “side effects” can also refer to those “beneficial, unexpected” effects.
“Side Effects of the City” was shot by Taiwanese photographer CHANG, Yu in 2019-2020. Most of the content depicts people from eight major industries in Taiwanese society, encounters strange people on the street, and also includes interesting things that happened when going out with friends.
About Chang, Yu
Chang, Yu born in Switzerland in 1989, living in Taipei
He is a graffiti artist as well as a street photographer who likes using negatives to take photo.
2020 “Sleepwalking in Taipei”
2021 “Side Effects of the City”
CHANG, Yu: Side Effects of the City
Date│07.23.2022 – 08.28.2022
Opening│07.23 2022 @14:30
Photo Talk|07.30, 2022 @15:00 Chang, Yu & Chen, Chin-Pao
Curated by│Edward, I-Chien CHIU (Tokyo University of the Arts, phD)
Location│1839 Contemporary Gallery
TEL│02-2778 8458
Open hours│Tue.-Sun. 11:00-19:00
Curator│Edward CHIU
張鈺1989出生於瑞士,居住於台北市,喜歡用底片拍照,是一個街拍攝影師,同時也是塗鴉藝術家,目前經營檳榔攤的生意,有空的時候,他就會背著相機,到萬華去拍照…….. 在台灣,很多的攝影創作者他們的日常有著不同的身份,涵蓋了檳榔攤老闆、計程車司機、種花生小農、兼職接案者等等;這些人各自在生活上努力著,在創作不能當飯吃的現實下,過著斜槓人生,持續著對於影像創作的熱情,拍攝屬於自身的、台灣的影像藝術。 In Taiwan, many photographers hold a second job—an owner of a betel-nut stall, a cab driver, a peanut farmer, or SOHO worker. These people eke out a living as career jugglers (a.k.a. slashies), so they can continue to create their photographic works that portray Taiwan via their cameras and lens of perspectives.