On View: July 15 – Aug 10, 2011
Opening Reception: July 16 (Sat) 2:30 pm
place: 1839 Little Gallery [Location]
Wei-Chien Huang, born 1987 in Taiwan; one group exhibition in 2010; 2 person exhibitions in 2009 and 2011. Currently a student of graduate school at “Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science” in National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
Before contact with photography, I usually very concerned about fashion, and even today I am. Besides fashion, I also am great interested in movies and rock music. Fashion and music made a great impact during my studying and creative works in photography.
It’s in touch my heart while viewing of many photographic artists where their works co-operation with fashion. I spent a lot of time to do some thinking what the elements of those visual experiences are given to me. That is the visual objects where the sharp presented another life in print through photography.
One winter night in 2009, I was attracted by one tree where the branches were shaping translucency by the light and showing the power of mystique. Following day, I set up my camera in front of the tree, and took a photo with long exposure to capture the shape at the misty moment of my feeling from fashion.
From that time, I do this project in every winter. The reason of execution in winter season, because of the trees in Taiwan the amount of its branches and leaves keep in balance. Taking the photo at night with long exposure in variety places becomes my photo project and I’m going to continue to do that.