INEAUFLORES, photograph by Christian Fleitz
Public On-View:2014/10/30 (Friday) ~ 11/16 (Sun)
Opening Reception:11/01 (Saturday) at 14:30
Venue:1839 Little Gallery (Tel: 02-2778-8458)
B1, 120 Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan ROC
Why this new word “INEAUFLORE”? Because, in most cases, the pictures taken are commensurate with the photographer’s favorite subjects: the taste of the IN innovation, passion drops of WATER and FLORA …
Or faking, or paint…. The photographs are born INEAUFLORES new techniques for shooting developed in 2013 by Christian Fleitz
The INEAUFLORES pouring exist in photography called “silver”, so without using the computer, but for optimal cosmetic we have chosen an adjustment of parameters of printing our photos by computer if it proves necessary..