FARMHOUSE photography by CHAO, BIN-WEN


New vision of Countryside – FARMHOUSE by CHAO, Bin-Wen
Public On-View:2016/02/19 (Fri)–03/27 (Sun)
Opening Reception & Artist Talk:2016/03/06 (Sat) 14:30

Venue:1839 Contemporary Gallery (Tel: 02-2778-8458)
B1, 120 Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan ROC
Free Admission

Taiwanese photographer, CHAO Bin-Wen employs a unique approach to his work, using a macroscopic mindset and microscopic techniques to capture the essence of his subjects. Utilizing an 8×10 large format camera, he meticulously documents the evolving landscapes of Taiwan. Employing typological methodology, he captures the changing scenery resulting from societal progress.

New artworks of Farmhouse series photographs by Chao, Bin-wen are represented the new vision of country farmhouse turned into the modernization of Vela villages stand out on the farmland. A new page of the changing progress of countryside happens in Taiwan.

CHAO, BIN-WEN was born in 1963, Taiwan.  He has been focusing on Painting over 10 years. CHAO, BIN-WEN’s works had being selected at South Sea Art Exhibition, National Paining Exhibited as well as Taiwan Painting Exhibition since 1983.  In 2008, his works – Under the Bridge was selected on attending Daegu Photo Biennale 2008 festival.  Currently, he is a freelancer and chairman of Taiwan Photographic Art Society in Taiwan.

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